Interesting ways AI is in Your Life Now

From helping recruiters process applications to improving navigation apps, AI is transforming the world we live in. In this article, we explore the ways AI is changing your life and the impact it may have on the future. Read on to discover the benefits and potential pitfalls of this rapidly advancing technology.

Exploring AI around you

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a futuristic concept – it’s a technology that is already integrated into many aspects of our daily lives. From navigation apps on our phones to delivery drivers using optimized routes, AI is changing the way we interact with technology and each other. However, with the rapid pace of technological advancement, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest developments and understand how they impact us. That’s where Noggin Wordsmith comes in – our mission is to help people understand AI, learn to include it in their lives, and encourage them to find positive uses for it.

In this article, we will provide examples of AI in everyday activities that readers can relate to and understand. We will explain what the technology does, how it affects readers’ lives today, the market effects, and the positives and negatives of each example. Our goal is to provide a well-balanced article that leaves readers with an improved understanding of AI usage while acknowledging the changes and potential downsides that come with adopting new technology. Our article is styled to be informative, without getting bogged down in technical jargon or scientific rhetoric.

Phone Navigation

What it does:

Navigation applications on your phone, such as Google Maps and Waze, use AI to provide real-time traffic updates, suggest alternate routes, and predict arrival times. AI algorithms take into account data from multiple sources, such as GPS data from other drivers and information about road closures, to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information.

How it affects life today:

For drivers, AI-powered navigation applications can help save time and reduce stress by providing real-time traffic updates and suggesting alternate routes. Additionally, by predicting arrival times, these applications can help drivers better plan their day and avoid being late to appointments.

The market effect:

AI-powered navigation applications are disrupting the traditional GPS navigation market, making it easier and more cost-effective for drivers to access accurate and up-to-date traffic information. This has led to an increase in demand for real-time traffic data, as more drivers rely on these applications to navigate their way around.

The positives and negatives:

The positives of AI-powered navigation applications include more accurate and up-to-date traffic information, reduced travel time and stress, and potentially safer driving. However, there are also potential negatives, such as concerns about the privacy and security of GPS data, which could be exploited by malicious actors. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential impact of increased reliance on technology for navigation, such as reducing drivers’ spatial awareness and ability to navigate without assistance.

Delivery Drivers

What it does:

Delivery companies like Amazon and UPS use AI to optimize their delivery routes and schedules. AI algorithms can take into account factors such as traffic patterns, weather conditions, and package size and weight to determine the most efficient route for a delivery driver to take. This can lead to cost savings for the company and faster delivery times for the customer.

How it affects life today:

For readers who order items online, AI can lead to faster delivery times and more accurate delivery estimates. By optimizing delivery routes, delivery companies can reduce the amount of time it takes for a package to arrive at its destination. Additionally, by using AI to estimate delivery times, customers can better plan their day and be available to receive their package.

The market effect:

AI-powered delivery optimization is disrupting the traditional delivery market, making it easier and more cost-effective for companies to offer delivery services. This has led to an increase in demand for delivery drivers, as more packages are being delivered each day.

The positives and negatives:

The positives of AI-powered delivery optimization include faster delivery times, more accurate delivery estimates, and cost savings for delivery companies. However, there are also potential negatives, such as increased competition for delivery drivers, potentially leading to lower wages or reduced job security. Additionally, there are concerns about the environmental impact of increased delivery volumes, including increased traffic and emissions.

AI in Recruitment

What it does:

AI is being used by employment recruiters to streamline the recruitment process. AI-powered algorithms can analyze thousands of resumes and job applications in a short period of time, making it faster and more efficient than human recruiters. The AI software can extract relevant information from CVs such as work history, education, and skills, and rank applicants based on how well their qualifications match the requirements for the position.

How it affects life today:

If you are looking for a job, your CV needs to be AI machine-readable. Having a nice-looking CV is not enough if it’s not in the right format. Many applicants miss out on job opportunities because their CVs are not optimized for AI. Recruiters can’t review every application, and if an AI system can’t read your CV, it will likely be passed over.

The market effect:

AI in recruitment has disrupted the traditional recruitment process by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as screening CVs, shortlisting candidates, and scheduling interviews. This has saved recruiters a lot of time and resources, enabling them to focus on more value-adding tasks, such as candidate engagement and relationship building. The use of AI in recruitment is expected to increase, and it is estimated that the global market size for AI in recruitment will reach $1.76 billion by 2025.

The positives and negatives:

The positives of using AI in recruitment are that it makes the recruitment process faster and more efficient, saving time and resources for recruiters and applicants alike. It also ensures that the screening process is more objective, as AI algorithms do not have biases or emotions that can influence the hiring decision.

On the negative side, there are concerns about the potential for AI to replicate and reinforce existing biases in the recruitment process. For example, if the algorithm is trained on historical data that is biased against certain groups, it may replicate that bias in the hiring process. There is also the risk that AI may not be able to fully capture the unique qualities and potential of each applicant, leading to the possibility of qualified candidates being overlooked.

In conclusion, the use of AI in recruitment has disrupted the traditional recruitment process, making it faster and more efficient. However, applicants need to be aware of the importance of optimizing their CVs for AI to increase their chances of being selected for an interview. While there are concerns about the potential for AI to reinforce biases and overlook qualified candidates, it is important to remember that AI is a tool that can be designed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Machine-Readable Resumes

AI Acellerated Start

Don't miss out on your dream job because of an outdated resume!. With the Llamavision Resume Converter, you can transform your traditional resume into machine-readable. Tap into the power of AI and maximize your chances of landing that interview!

AI in Law Firms

What it does:

Law firms are using AI to streamline legal research, document analysis, and contract review. By using AI algorithms to sift through vast amounts of legal data, lawyers can save time and increase the accuracy of their work. AI can also help lawyers identify patterns in legal cases, which can inform their legal strategy.

How it affects life today:

AI in law firms can lead to quicker and more accurate legal services. By streamlining legal research and document analysis, lawyers can provide more efficient and cost-effective services to their clients. Additionally, AI can help lawyers identify key information and patterns in legal cases, leading to more informed legal strategies and potentially better outcomes for clients.

The market effect:

AI is disrupting the traditional legal services market, making it easier for small and mid-size law firms to compete with larger firms. By using AI to increase efficiency and reduce costs, smaller firms can offer more competitive prices and better services to clients.

The positives and negatives:

The positives of AI in law firms include increased efficiency, cost savings, and potentially better outcomes for clients. However, there are also potential negatives, such as concerns about the accuracy of AI algorithms, which could lead to errors or bias in legal work. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential impact of AI on the job market for lawyers, as some legal tasks may become automated.

AI in Fashion

What it does:

In the fashion industry, AI is being used to generate diverse models wearing the same clothes. This allows clothing companies to create marketing materials and run campaigns with minimal human involvement, reducing the need for traditional models and photographers. AI algorithms can generate models with different skin tones, body shapes, and sizes, thus broadening the appeal of the clothing to a wider audience.

How it affects life today:

AI-generated models may not have an immediate impact on the reader’s daily life, but it does provide insights into how AI is transforming the fashion industry. It could lead to clothing companies being able to produce marketing materials more quickly, reducing costs, and reaching a wider audience. However, it may also reduce the number of jobs available for traditional models and photographers.

The market effect:

The use of AI-generated models is changing the traditional fashion industry by making it more inclusive and diverse. This could potentially create a new market for clothing companies that prioritize inclusivity and diversity. However, it could also lead to the loss of jobs for traditional models and photographers.

The positives and negatives:

The positives of using AI-generated models include more inclusivity and diversity in the fashion industry, the ability to produce marketing materials quickly and efficiently, and potentially lower costs for businesses. However, there are potential negatives, such as the loss of jobs for traditional models and photographers, and concerns about the authenticity of AI-generated models. Additionally, the use of AI-generated models may perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards and potentially create an over-reliance on technology in the fashion industry.


In conclusion, AI is transforming various industries, from employee recruitment and navigation to law firms and the fashion industry. While there are undoubtedly many benefits to incorporating AI into these industries, there are also concerns and potential downsides that must be addressed. It is important to understand the impact of AI on the job market and recognize that while some jobs may be lost, others may be created in their place.

As AI continues to advance and become more prevalent in our daily lives, it is essential that we approach it with a balance of optimism and caution. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, we can leverage its benefits while mitigating potential risks. Ultimately, the goal should be to use AI in a way that benefits society as a whole, promotes inclusivity and diversity, and advances us toward a more positive future.

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